Why work out training for men over 50 will rejuvenate your mind and body?

 Three years ago I started having pains in my toes and fingers, my back used to ache constantly, as I was 30 pounds overweight. My cholesterol and triglycerides levels were quite high. 

In a nutshell, I was a complete mess. I refused to accept the signs. Middle age was getting the best of me and I was really depressed. 

I decided to get back to gym and take control over my body. During my youth and till the age of 35, I was quite athletic. I think somewhere down the line I thought I no longer required exercise. That was a huge blunder I did. I returned to the gym. I wanted to prove myself that I can accomplish what seems to be impossible.       

Initially, my muscles weren’t accustomed to the pressure of lifting weights. I used to feel dizzy and was not able to work out for more than 20 minutes. But that didn’t stop me. I kept hitting the gym everyday and pushed myself more. Within a month, I started noticing results. I noticed that the pains I used to feel in my body is gradually fading away. My body became more vivacious. Moreover, my testosterone levels were quite higher just like my libido. 

My workouts enhanced from twice a week for 35 minutes a day to 3 times a week for an hour. The more workouts I did the better I felt digesting all the magazines, books and watching YouTube for tips on work out training for men over 50.

My food habits also changed to a proper diet nutrition plan for men. I consumed less sugar and monitored what I ate. I consumed clean foods such as vegetables, fish, chicken and many fruits. I started taking vitamins and protein shakes regularly. I reduced my waist size from 42 to 34.

When I returned to my early physician, he was truly perplexed with my physical transformation. I stopped taking cholesterol medicines due to the cardio workout for men assisting my metabolism. 

Today, I am in the best shape of my life. I work out for 2 hours a day and hit the gym 4-5 days a week. I enjoy going to the gym after my work. I am also able to sleep for 8 hours without any issues. 

My physique has also changed. I now have a V-tapered look. My friends think I am on steroids. I am living a completely different lifestyle than before and I feel awesome. Physically, I have never felt any better. If you want to take control over your life, it is never too late to start. The motivation and dedication you put into your workout will be rewarded. The most important thing is your body will start responding unlike ever before. Trust me; if I can do it, you can also!


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